Even as several soldiers stood by helplessly, 42-year-old Veena Sharma of Shimla saved the life of a jawan who had fallen into a ditch while trying to escape a pack of stray dogs, by giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. On August 20, army jawan Mukesh Kumar of Assam Rifles was on a routine training run with other men of his platoon when a pack of stray dogs began to chase him. Image source As Mukesh fled the spot he fell into a 50 ft deep ditch, where his head hit a rock and rendered him unconscious. Thinking that Mukesh was dead, his colleagues started calling out for help. Hearing their cries, Veena, who was passing by, rushed to help the jawan. She immediately gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation and revived him. Veena also realized that Mukesh now needed urgent care at a good medical facility. "Finding no other way to shift the injured man, I called my 72-year-old father Ramesh Sharma, who rarely drives these days, to bring the car. Since none of the soldiers knew how to drive, it was left to my father to transport the injured soldier to Jutogh military hospital," she told Times of India . Mukesh was then referred to the Indira Gandhi Medical College hospital where he is receiving specialised treatment. The gallant lady has been given a letter of appreciation by the Commanding Officer of Assam Rifles for her "exceptional" act. Like this story? Have something to share? Email: contact@thebetterindia.com, or join us on Facebook and Twitter (@thebetterindia). To get positive news on WhatsApp, just send 'Start' to 090 2900 3600 via WhatsApp.
from https://in.news.yahoo.com/shimla-woman-saves-injured-jawan-064615881.html
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